Lifestyle / Society

7 industry insiders on the life lessons they’ve learned from their dad

By Vanessa Mulquiney

As Father’s Day approaches this Sunday, model Malaika Holmén, content creator Camilla Lorentzen and more share the nuggets they've garnered from their father

He is different things to different people – the one who taught you how to tie your shoe laces, how to swim, how to stand up for yourself, the list goes on. But the one thing we can all agree on, is that he has carved out a spot in our hearts and passed on a number of life-affirming tips along the way.


So whether it's letting music fill your soul, the importance of forgiveness or that family looks different to everyone, these are the pieces of wisdom they took away...

Sara Flaaen Licius – Model

"There are simply so many life lessons passed to me from my dad I hardly know where to start. I adore my dad, and I've always considered myself a real ‘daddy's girl.’ He has shown me how to be comfortable in my own skin. He's always told me: ‘you take the best of both worlds, Sara, no matter what,’ and raised me to believe it's a true privilege to be a mixed child and that I get to choose the parts that benefit me over the frustration or confusion that sometimes comes along with it.

"I believe I truly have my parents to thank for always being so at ease with my identity and my looks. My dad also passed on a love for reading and writing which was my favourite escape during childhood. It's also part of what pays my bills today which feels very full-circle and very humbling."

Andreas Wijk – Singer

"My dad is the biggest inspiration in life, I would be nothing without my dad. The way he loves people has always given me guidance on how to treat people. He has shown me what it is to be a loving, respectful, genuine, and generous man – this is everything he is."

This love is on display in a recent TikTok (which reached 10 million views), in which Wijk plays his latest song, 'If I was Gay', for his parents:

Kajsa Schuterman – Creative director of KAJSA by Nathalie Schuterman

"My dad, Bengt, is a compassionate man with one of the sweetest souls I know. He is his best self when he is by the ocean. He's a lover of animals and nature above everything – these are the things I have inherited, but one of the most valuable life lessons he taught me (and not by uttering the words but being the example in practice) is the importance of forgiveness.

"To not hold on to grudges towards others or yourself. Be kind, cherish and value the people close to you and, if needed, let go of those not worthy of your energy."

Malaika Holmén – Model

"I’ve learned so many important life lessons from my dad, it’s hard to pick just one. From an early age I saw first-hand how my dad made time for family and his closest friends. He taught me family looks so different to everyone, and it goes far beyond biology.

"He also taught me to have a curious mind, to always be interested in learning and growing every day and when you meet someone new, see this as an opportunity to learn and grow from them too; there is always something you can learn."

Camilla Lorentzen – Content creator

"I think the biggest life lesson my dad taught me was that I am free to go my own way. He started his own business when I was just a little girl and it showed me that it is possible to make a living doing the things you love. I think this is one of the biggest reasons why I’ve dared to try (and fail) and why I’ve never given up on finding my passion in life.

"I don't have to succeed in everything, but I’m not allowed to give up on myself! He has always supported my decisions, rooted for me through the highs and the lows, and I am forever grateful to him."

Tomas Grekov – YouTuber

"My dad and I have a special relationship that has grown and changed over the years. The first lesson I learned from my dad was that a life filled with surprises is a life worth living – life is never boring with my father. He also taught me that family comes first. This is something that has stuck with me.

"Another lesson is that it is extremely important to be there for your loved ones when they need you. We may live 9,000 kilometres away from each other, but I know that I can count on my dad if I need help. He has shown this to me time and time again."

Photo: Sanni Hirvonen

Candela Ebbesen – Ballerina with Les Ballet de Monte Carlo

"My father has always had a very strong work ethic – that Lutheran Scandinavian kind. He has shown me that working through life’s many obstacles is the best way forward, to never give up when things get rough and to follow my dreams. My father is also a true lover of music. From the day I was born, he exposed me to all different genres, composers, and styles of music. He taught me how to carefully listen, appreciate, and let the music fill my soul.

"Today, I use music as a daily tool. My profound love for music is undoubtedly the reason why I chose to become a dancer, but the path to become one wasn’t easy. I followed my father’s great work ethic of never giving up.

"The valuable life lesson of not eating yellow snow was also from my father. It’s a given, but an important life lesson for any Scandinavian parent to pass to their kids."