Lifestyle / Society

What is KAP? The new wellness trend to have on your radar

By Matilde Wergeland

Photo: Ayäm Studio

Perhaps an inevitable result because of the past couple of years; spirituality and wellness have managed to dispel the 'woo woo' and become something we all value more and actually take time to explore, here we explain what it is and where you can try it in Scandinavia

Although many “trends” within the fields have ancient history and background, new practices and ways to work with our body, mind, and soul often help us to find what works for us, as well as keep us curious to dive deeper. One of these newer phenomena is KAP where the kundalini energy (the ultimate life force within every living being) is in the spotlight.


Though this relatively new way of energy work is described by the KAP facilitator Julia Bergh as “hard to explained and must be experienced”, an attempt to put it into words is “a transformational journey that is all about removing limitations, releasing stagnant energy and feelings, as well as finding a profounder connection with our highest self, spiritual growth, and a deeper consciousness,” says Bergh when we ask her.


Photo: KAP

KAP & Kundalini energy

KAP stands for Kundalini Activation Process and is a direct energy transmission that activates the kundalini awakening in the body. It is a gentle way to awaken the kundalini energy, also described as our ultimate life force, inner fire, and the source of creative power spiritual gifts, and divine feminine power. The concept of Kundalini is mentioned in ancient Vedic Sanskrit texts of Hindu philosophy back in 9th-7th centuries BCE and is often portrayed and described as a snake – coiled at the base of the spine waiting to be released, and symbolically, the energy moves like a serpent in the body. When the energy starts to move and the awakening is happening, sensations such as physical and emotional releases in the body often occur. There is both a passive approach, which simply is surrendering and letting the energy awaken when its ready, and an active approach, where common methods such as yoga, pranayama (breathwork), and meditation are ways to actively awaken your kundalini. And another option to experience this, is of course through a KAP session.

Photo: Ayäm Studio

Julia Bergh is the founder of the first KAP studio in the world, Ayäm - a tranquil oasis located in the middle of Stockholm’s busy city centre that offers, in addition to a variety of yoga classes, around two to three KAP-sessions weekly. The classes have quickly become very popular and the crowd varies from young yogis to middle-aged bankers dressed in suits. Each class is around two hours long in order to have time to include a demonstration in the beginning and discussion in the end, or, to go deeper into the practice during the classes that are designed for more experienced KAP-advocates. When the actual KAP session starts, you lie down with closed eyes on a yoga mat and music is played at a night-club-volume.

KAP practice

Photo: KAP

The KAP facilitator walks around the room and touches or presses some of the chakra and meridian points (energy centres) on your body. Spontaneous movements usually arise, but it is also possible to just lay still the entire time - some participants feel that they are almost glued to the floor.

“The amount and level of movement varies from time to time, but there is often a gradual increase over time. Your body might just want to stat with smaller movements when you try KAP for the first time, but then evolve into sitting or standing up, even movements resembling yoga flows are possible to experience,” tells Julia and continues; “You are conscious the whole time, often even more present and in a clear state of mind than you normally are, so you don’t have to worry about doing anything that you don’t want to. It’s totally up to you if you want to follow your body and what it tells you that it wants to do”. Hence, a lot of different things can happen on the outside, but what happens on the inside is another story.


Photo: AYÄM Studio

What to expect

According to KAP-facilitators Julia Bergh and Rebecca Brage the process of KAP removes energetic blocks in our bodies and connects us to our highest self; “which will look different for each individual as well as each session,” states Julia. “KAP is mainly for spiritual growth and deepening of our consciousness, but many participants also experience physical healings, sometimes after just a few sessions. However, this is not guaranteed or the main purpose of KAP, but it can still happen, which is extraordinary to experience and be a witness to as a facilitator,” continues Rebecca.

Moreover, a profound rewiring of the brain structure and central nervous system happens with continued exposure, and another possible experience to have is the “non-dual awareness” – a state of consciousness that is according to Rebecca Brage “hard to explain and has to be experienced, but basically a state of total presence and bliss where we are completely aligned with our highest self but still feel a very strong connection to everything around us and clearly see that there is no separation in between us. You also become the observer of everything around you, even your own mind. You clearly see that you aren’t your thoughts, feelings, and even personality traits, which usually result in a sense of relief and playfulness – that life is all about having fun and that we are more than what appears on the outside. It is the inside that truly counts.”


Photo: Ayäm Studio

Where to find it

This intriguing practice has grown immensely since Venant Wong founded it about five years ago. Trainings have been held worldwide and there are today around 100 facilitators all over the world. In addition to Ayäm that opened earlier this year in Stockholm, you can participate in pop-up classes in Copenhagen, KAP-events on Iceland through “KAP á Íslandi” in Reykjavík, and KAP sessions in Norway.


Photo: Ayäm Studio

”Once you start with KAP, it is easy to get addicted since it feels so incredible, both during and after the class. The experience during the session is often fascinating and can definitely be a journey, and then this often leads to small changes in your everyday life, such as how you think and act, as well as how you see things, yourself, and the world. Participants usually feel a greater sense of connection and empathy to both other people and the world around them, and also come closer to who they really are and what is the most important to them in life. Our intuition strengthens as well, and there is usually no “maybe” after having experienced KAP – we get more aligned and clearer with what our soul (and not our ego) truly wants.” states Julia. “Thus, many can agree on that KAP truly is life changing in the sense that it can transform our thoughts, beliefs, and the way we experience our lives”.

Where can I try a KAP session in Scandinavia?



