
I took my indoor cat on a Nordic outdoor adventure with Tavo products – this is how it went

By Linnéa Pesonen

Photo: Patrik Daniel

I embarked on a little road trip with my beloved feline sidekick Yoda – and the Tavo pet car seat and stroller made it my cat's best day ever, out in the wild

After a week that saw not one, but two surprise blizzards hit Helsinki (it had already felt like we were on the cusp of spring – the classic Nordic return of winter just when you thought it was over), I decided it was time to execute my plans of taking my sweet little indoor cat Yoda on an adventure. Before, she had only gotten a fleeting taste of the outdoors through a carrier on trips to the vet or my parents’ house, but now, we were about to take the experience to the next level with the help of my new pet car seat and stroller set courtesy of Tavo.


Cat owners will know that taking your indoor cat somewhere can be, well, a challenge (at least in most cases). It’s definitely a whole other ball game compared to dogs. Most felines feel safest and happiest in their own home, territory and kingdom and would rather not go anywhere unless they really have to. Luckily, I got Yoda used to car rides since she was a tiny kitten, and these days, as a one-and-a-half-year-old fully-fledged adult, she doesn’t mind travelling. Still, I wanted to get her acquainted with her new Tavo equipment before our little road trip. She immediately loved her new gear, that not only looked luxury, but proved to be constructed and upholstered to the highest calibre as well. Yoda crawled inside the pet bed as soon as I placed it in my living room and ,over the week that it was there, I caught her chilling and napping there multiple times.

Yoda cautiously taking in the new experience. The Tavo pet car system is very secure, guaranteeing a safe ride for your furry friend. Photo: Patrik Daniel

Then, on a brisk Saturday, the day of our road trip arrived. Needless to say, I was very excited about our excursion. Although the morning started as cloudy and the ground was still swathed in blankets of snow, the weather report had promised rays of sunshine for the afternoon. The plan was to leave the city, pick up my little brother Patrik along the way and drive to somewhere tranquil where we could enjoy a scenic walk and Yoda could partake in her favourite activity: watching and listening to the birds.

While I’ve never owned a Tavo product before, putting together the car seat and the strollers was super straightforward. Neither the pet bed nor the vehicle base it attaches to required assembling – it was a matter of clicking the parts together and confirming from the coloured indicators that the seat was securely locked in (they turn green when the seat is attached correctly). Once fastened, it was clear how safe the Tavo pet car seat is – thanks to the sturdy load leg that stretches from the front of the base to the car floor, the seat didn’t move an inch even when I tried to shake it.

Eagerly watching birds and squirrels.

Spring was making its way to Finland. Photo: Patrik Daniel

It was time to hit the road. Occasionally, I would hear a couple of curious “meow”s from the back seat as Yoda most likely realised we were going on a longer drive than usual. Nevertheless, my brother confirmed that she looked relaxed, lounging in the bed that boasts a supple, fluffy bottom that could be swapped for another equally soft, high-quality fabric one if needed. The car ride went very smoothly, and Yoda appeared to relish every minute of it. For safety reasons, I didn’t keep the bed’s hood open while we were moving; however, it features mesh windows that allows your furry friend to marvel at the views even though the hood is closed.

Yoda loved gazing at nature from the strollers, while feeling safe in the pet bed. Photo: Patrik Daniel

The Tavo pet strollers have everything you need when you go for a walk. The built-in organiser on the push bar boasts everything from a cup holder and a phone slot to a compartment with secure magnetic closure to keep everything from your keys to your sidekick's treats safe and secure. Photo: Patrik Daniel

We drove off to a cherished location I had in my mind: a quaint, nature-filled area in Espoo where I grew up. Once parked, I opened the hood for the first time so Yoda could soak in the new scenery. She was wearing a harness attached to the bed in case she got the urge to dash after a bird or a squirrel. As Yoda is an indoor cat experiencing something like this for the first time, I was slightly nervous about how she would react, but she remained very calm, cautiously eyeing her surroundings.

The moment had come to break out the strollers, which were also very simple to assemble and folded compactly to fit any sized car. With a touch of a button, I unfastened the pet bed from the vehicle base and transported it into the stroller frame. Despite the thick snow, the strollers moved effortlessly as we walked through the forest towards the beaches where I spent many childhood summers.

Scenic walks take on a whole new meaning now that I can take my furry sidekick along. Photo: Patrik Daniel

Any worrisome thoughts vanished when I saw how much Yoda enjoyed the strollers. She wasn't nervous at all - rather, enjoyed admiring nature from a secure place. I closed the hood whenever dog walkers or joggers approached to make her feel safe, but otherwise kept it open for her to gaze at the pristine nature and listen to the chirping birds. At the beach, we paused for a moment to witness the arrival of spring as the ice on the Baltic Sea began to melt and sand peeked from under the snow.

Strolling back to the car, I began envisioning all the fun adventures I can embark on with Yoda as the summer approaches: more road trips, more invigorating walks in nature, and safe outings in the city now that I have the ultimate equipment for them.