Lifestyle / Society

6 Scandinavian berry wineries to visit on your next countryside getaway

By Linnéa Pesonen

Photo: Rönnvik Winery

From sleeping in wine barrels to tastings in the Finnish forest, raise a glass to the Nordic beverage du jour at these wineries across the Scandinavia

An age-old Scandinavian beverage crafted from the finest, flavoursome treasures the Nordic nature can provide, berry wines offer a sublime and sustainable option compared to their grape alternatives. Aflush of wild berries waiting to get harvested, the Nordic region provides an opportunity to make this wine all year round. Luscious ingredients for creating the beverage are endless, too – most popular options include blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, lingonberries and currants.


Photo: Benjamin Tarp

With berry wines being a traditional Scandinavian indulgence dating back to the 1600s, several wineries dedicated to making the beverage have emerged in the Nordics today. However, introducing berry wines to the rest of the world got off to a rough start, as the flavour was considered too intense and robust. Nonetheless, recent years have seen a vast growing interest in the beverage, with Scandinavian berry wineries leading the way. Below, Vogue Scandinavia breaks down the Nordic wineries introducing today's most innovative and delicious berry wines.


Rönnvik Winery, Finland

Situated in Pälkäne, Western Finland, Rönnvik farm has been operating since the 19th century. Family-owned, the farm’s winery was founded in 1995, focusing solely on producing wine from berries and fruits sourced from their own or neighbouring farms. Obtaining over 10 acres of currant bushes, many of Rönnvik’s wines are crafted from sugary and sour white, black, red and rare green currants.

Rönnvik offers an array of wine tastings, where visitors can choose from experiences focusing completely on wines, or tastings that introduce wines and locally produced cheeses. The winery also provides a unique opportunity to truly get the best out of what a Finnish forest can offer via a wine tasting at a bar located in the middle of a nearby, deep green woodland.

Rönnvik Winery shop at the winery . Photo: Rönnvik Winery


Lerkekåsa Vingård, Norway

Producing grape, fruit and berry wines, Lerkekåsa Vingård is a Norwegian winery located close to Gvarv, a lush village about a two-hour drive from Oslo. Founded by couple Lill Gjestad Wollberg and Odd Eugen Wollberg in 2018, Lerkekåsa Vingård is also the most northern winery in the world.

Surrounded by boundless apple trees and flourishing fields, the winery also offers visitors a unique way of spending the night at the vineyard. With cabins made out of massive wine barrels, Lerkekåsa’s visitors can have the most authentic experience sleeping amidst a faint and fruity scent of wine. The winery also arranges wine tastings, where popular berry and fruit wines include flavours of tart rhubarb and sweet blackcurrant.


Idunn Wine, Sweden

Starting off from a small Swedish village of Rålund, Idunn Wine founders Li Holmberg and Lars Normark have been successfully making berry wine since 2012. Entering the market with their signature, smooth Rålund blueberry wine, Idunn Wine’s products stem from the founders’ deep love of the Nordic nature and its offerings.

Now making all their wine in a larger facility in Norsjö, Idunn Wine’s selection today introduces a variety of different berry wines, introducing exceptional flavours from the forest. One of the most popular wines is a delicate dry rosé, crafted from sweet yet sour lingonberries and a selection of balancing herbs.

Photo: Benjamin Tarp


Nordic Premium Beverages, Finland

Located in a small Eastern Finnish town of Ilomantsi, the Nordic Premium Beverages winery (previously Hermann Winery) has been producing berry wines since 1989. Being Finland’s oldest berry winery, Nordic Premium Beverages has a profound experience in extracting the best out of the Finnish forest gems.

Making their beverages solely out of wild berries and using pure spring water as a base, Nordic Premium Beverages was also the first in Finland to start manufacturing sparkling berry wine, receiving the Vineyard Wine of the Year prize in 2004. Over the decades, the winery has received additional awards for their beverages and expanded their production into a range of innovative berry wines that visitors get to taste upon stopping by the cellar door.

Ilomantsi landscapes. Photo: Getty


Andersen Winery, Denmark

A Danish winery that specialises in producing sparkling wines, Andersen vineyard is located in the unique surroundings of Mols Bjerge, boasting pristine landscapes that were shaped during the Ice Age. Founded by winemaker Mads Groom Andersen, food specialist Frantz Maurice Scott Lundby and entrepreneur Morten Rinder Stengaard, Andersen Winery’s driving force is the curiosity to play around with pure, natural ingredients.

Crafting their beverages from berries, fruit and grapes, Andersen Winery’s luscious sparkling berry wines introduce flavours of velvety yellow raspberries and strawberries alongside punchy blackcurrants and gooseberries.

Mols Bjerge. Photo: Getty


Ainoa Winery, Finland

An award-winning berry winery located in Hollola, Southern Finland, Ainoa was founded by David Cohen and his wife Paola Guerrero de Cohen, who moved to Finland for work unrelated to winemaking. However, producing wine was already a hobby of the Cohens, and the couple started quickly thinking about ways to make wine in Finland, where heavy regulations are applied for producing grape wine.

Discovering the possibility of making wine out of wild berries bountiful in Finland’s forests, Ainoa Winery was born. Boasting 13 distinctive berry wines on their selection today, Ainoa is crafting unique experiences for our taste buds. One of the most popular bottles introduces an extra dry, sparkling wine where tart, arctic cloudberries are met with the sweet flavour of pure honey.

Ainoa Winery during sunset. . Photo: Ainoa Winery