Fashion / Society

3 Scandi tastemakers on what their hijab means to them

By Mona M. Ali
4 Scandi hijab women empowerment

Photo: Stephanie Geddes

Three muslim women share why they are proud to don their headscarf

The fashion industry has made certain inroads into showcasing and celebrating diverse talent, including hijabi models, in recent years. You’ll of course remember the trailblazing Muslim supermodel, Halima Aden, who became the first hijab-wearing model to feature on a cover of Vogue magazine. But how far has the industry actually come in confronting real progress, beyond the diversity quotas and inclusive hires?


I used to wear a hijab for over 10 years growing up. My family wanted me to feel proud of my religion and culture, but it was hard when you immigrate to a country and feel like you have to adapt to fit in. For years I was bullied for covering my hair with a hijab, many children used to call it a rag and some even thought I had no hair underneath it. After many years of struggle, I decided to remove it because I felt like It was too painful and until recently I’m learning to find love for it again.

There are a lot of opinions about women’s bodies these days in our current society, including what we can and can’t do, along with what we should and shouldn’t wear. Not all women who wear Hijab are oppressed, but by making a law to ban the hijab is actually worse, it’s stripping the right for the women to choose for herself. We are all beautiful in our own way and acceptance is the way forward to live in a better world.

Here, we speak to three other members of the Scandinavian style set, Amina Adan, Imane Asry and Yasmin Demir, on the hopes they share for the industry, how wearing their hijab empowers them on the daily, and the challenges they’ve faced inside, and out of, the fashion industry.

4 Scandi hijab women empowerment

Photo: Photographer: Stephanie Geddes Jacket, worn underneath, €280. Won Hundred. Denim dress Rabens Saloner. Trousers, worn underneath, €120. Samsøe Samsøe. Hijab, €13. Lina Abaya.

4 Scandi hijab women empowerment

Photo: Stephanie Geddes

Imane Asry, style curator

I started practising my religion and taking it more seriously when I was around 17-years-old. I loved how spiritually close I felt to God when I wore the hijab. It is a part of my identity, but it does not define all of me. To me, being in control of what you wear, and showing the world, is freeing.

I have faced struggles both in my personal and professional life due to my hijab. When I decided to start wearing my hijab in high school I was judged by a lot of people and teachers. As soon as I showed up in a hijab they thought I had been forced to wear it – it felt humiliating. But it was something I decided to do for myself and felt happy about.

I wish to see the fashion industry giving space to new talents who think outside the box. I want to work in an industry that values people of colour's talent and time. I see too many companies who expect people of colour creators to work for shamefully low rates (or for free!) while paying white creators their rate without discussion.

We need to see people from different ethnic groups hired on higher level positions and boards. I think once we give the space and fair salaries to POC creators the fashion industry will reach new levels.

4 Scandi hijab women empowerment

Photo: Photographer: Stephanie Geddes Jacket, worn underneath, €375, Vest, €295. Both Stine Goya. Trousers, Rabens Saloner. Hijab, €13. Lina Abaya.

4 Scandi hijab women empowerment

Photo: Photographer: Stephanie Geddes Amina Adan Jacket (di)vision. Trousers, (di)vision. Hijab, €13. Lina Abaya.

Amina Adan, model

I haven’t experienced any kind of battle for wearing the hijab and I am very grateful for that, but I have heard of women who have been assaulted, both physically and verbally, because of it. I’d like to see representation, no matter a particular religion or a particular body type, and more diversity.

I hope that there will be room for everyone without challenges based on appearance. The hijab is not only a part of my religion but also a part of my identity. I have had it on for so many years, so it also has a personal and deep meaning for me.

Yasmin Demir, creative

I’m proud to wear my hijab – it’s very empowering to be representing my faith as it's a big part of who I am. As a hijabi-wearing woman in Scandinavia I see a lot of certain stereotypes, so it puts a lot of pressure on us to act a certain way. I often feel we aren’t seen as individuals – muslim women have had to try a little harder at everything because of the prejudice against us.

4 Scandi hijab women empowerment

Photo: Photographer: Stephanie Geddes Yasmin Demir Puffer jacket, Helmstedt. Trousers, Rabens Saloner. Balaclava, Helmstedt.

4 Scandi hijab women empowerment

Photo: Stephanie Geddes

4 Scandi hijab women empowerment

Photo: Stephanie Geddes Jacket: Helmstedt Balaclava: Helmstedt Pants: Rabens Saloner Shoes: Zara

There’s always a little fear of how others will view you if you’re not smiling enough, because we don’t look like the average Scandinavian woman. I would love to see some inclusivity within the fashion industry. It would be great to see more actual hijabis be included. I think it would have a huge impact on me, and other hijabis, if we grew up seeing more people who looked like us. It would make hijabis question themselves less about whether they’re good enough or could fit in.

This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity.

Production and styling: 81 creatives
Photographer: Stephanie Geddes
Makeup artist: Lois Zaina
Models: Amina Adan, Imane Asry and
Yasmin Demir