Art / Society

#MyVogueScandinavia: The Ocean Sculptor

By Jennifer Nilsson

Photo: Benjamin Tarp.

Danish artist Trine Brigitte Bond lets the ocean guide her lyrical ceramic artworks. Having worked with clay for almost half her life, she’s finally found her voice and it’s making a big splash

Trine Brigitte Bond has been working with ceramics for the past 25 years, creating works of art inspired by the ocean. Whilst her creations offer a romantic view of what lies beneath the waves, she has long been struggling as an artist – all the while battling anxiety – and has been rather unsure about her path in life.


The 56-year-old artist, who resides an hour south of Copenhagen, launched her own brand, Clay by Bond, two years ago – a gratifying moment after a long journey. “Before I found Instagram, being a part of the Danish art scene was very difficult for me,” she says. “It’s not easy being part of that world if you haven’t gone to the right school and if you don’t have the right education.”

Photo: Benjamin Tarp

Coral Candy No. 0209̓ sculpture.

Although she has struggled with anxiety since she was a teenager, it wasn’t going to stop her from launching her brand. “I’ve realised that nothing is going to hold me back. I have felt a strong force all along, telling me that this is what I’m supposed to be doing, and now I want people to know that I’m here,” she says.

Not only is Bond trying to create meaning for herself through her art, her creations are a reminder that she wants to show people “how amazing this planet is, and that we need to take care of our oceans.” She gestures dramatically toward the windows at the back of her studio. “Just next to my studio, there is a 66 million year old sea bed, a UNESCO Heritage site called Stevns Klint. When I walk out there and look into that old sea bed, it is just so magical. That is where I find so much of my inspiration.”

Instagram has provided Bond with an opportunity to reach out to her fans, both existing and new, and to market her brand further. Being featured as part of the #MyVogueScandinavia campaign, she says, means everything to her. “I’ve been wanting this for so long, now I can see that the world is telling me yes.”

Visit to shop the vases.

Anyone can be featured in Vogue Scandinavia. We look to our Nordic community to find new talents in fashion, culture and photography. Use our hashtag, #MyVogueScandinavia, on Instagram to be in with a chance of being featured in the next issue of Vogue