Lifestyle / Society

5 things stylist Maya Soul Paustian just can't live without

By Lola Froebe

The Danish-American stylist shares what puts a smile on her face everyday

Welcome to our new bi-monthly series "Take five" featuring inspiring Scandinavian tastemakers on the five life-enhancing items, habits or encounters that help guarantee a balanced, joy-filled life.


Many stylists approach clothes through the lens of beauty or elegance. The work of Maya Soul Paustian feels a bit more conceptual than that, like spinning an aesthetic narrative through her spirited way of styling. Her talent for decontextualising a garment, getting to its very core, twisting it around, and revamping it is topped off by her sartorial savvy, sense for characters and a dash of Y2K.

And what helps her keep her cool when styling jobs mount up and a busy family life with two little ones gets too much? Here's the five elements that Paustian simply can't do without:


Building a family

“My husband Lasse and my son Nat are by far what makes my life better every day. I could not live without them, as they not only make my life better, they are the very meaning of life to me. They are the funniest, warmest, and best guys and support team anyone could dream of. They are also great at reminding me how important the virtue of patience is, as we can of course get on each other’s nerves like any good family.

"With another boy on the way in December, my heart is going to be even fuller, and life will have even more of a purpose (and get even more hectic). I know, it doesn’t get cheesier than that!”


Inspiration and distraction

“Since I was a kid, I have followed Vogue Runway religiously. Every season I would set time aside to go through every single show meticulously. Nowadays I don’t have that kind of time, but I feel like it shaped my understanding and appreciation of fashion while at the same time it gave me so much joy and satisfaction.

“It is very far from the same, but what makes me unwind these days is my Hayu subscription with all my favourite reality shows. The Real Housewives franchise is of course my go-to. When I have a minute, it is just so easy and relaxing to snack on these silly shows without any higher purpose.”


Quirky nail art

“I’m not that big of a make-up person, but I live for nails! Normally I would get them done every month or so, but while I’ve been pregnant I can’t get them done in the same way, because of the chemicals in the process that wouldn’t exactly be super healthy for the baby growing in my belly. I really wish there was a nail bar with ‘healthy’ nails in Copenhagen. If anybody knows of a place, please hit me up."


Multicultural and ever-vibrant Nørrebro

“Moving to inner Nørrebro in Copenhagen has influenced my mood so much. The diversity here, down on the very street we live on, is so important to me, and it makes me feel at home and comfortable for the first time, really, in my adult life.

"In the two and a half years we’ve lived here the area has blossomed with cafes and restaurants, which we do appreciate, but at the same time, we are aware of the effects of gentrification on this type of area. This is why it is important to keep public housing and support the existing local businesses, even as the real estate value increases and new trendy places pop up.”


Change for the better

“The change that has been happening in fashion over the last years brings me hope and puts a smile on my face. I have been working in the industry for 15 years and most of the time, I have felt like an outsider in many ways. I could talk about it for days, but if I have to sum it up, just being around people that get me is really nice.

“For so many years, I feel like I have had to fit in, whether it be with my style, how I talked, toning down my curves to be taken seriously, etcetera. The new generation seems to be really helping the discourse in a way where we don’t have to box each other in to the same extent and there is more room to be who we are.”