Wellness / Society

How to ace autumn and beat the end-of-summer blues, according to wellness experts

By Matilde Wergeland

Photo: Getty

We may not have wanted this summer to end, but you can still prepare for a flawless fall with these expert tips

It's hard to get enough of lazy days in the countryside, strawberries with ice cream and late night swims. Yet with the last days of summer upon us, facing up to the colder months of fall doesn't have to mean being hit with a dose of autumn blues.


Not convinced? We spoke to some of our favourite wellness experts to get their tips and tricks for starting the new season in the best possible way to ensure you hit the ground running.

Try out the benefits of breath work

Yoga and meditation teacher Magnus Fridh, founder of podcast About Yoga, suggests two key ways to hang onto that summer feeling. “When summer shifts to fall, we are often excited to get back to routines and maintain the relaxing feeling from vacation, which is good and important but it can also be a bit overwhelming,” explains Fridh. “The following two practices can help us keep the calm summer has given us, prepare us for the upcoming hectic tempo, and get back into healthy routines.”

Breath work practice

This is a practice that helps balance your nervous system. It is easy and you can do it anywhere, anytime. Here's how to master it:

  • Sit with a tall spine and breathe soft, full breaths in and out through your nose.
  • Count to five when you inhale and experience your belly soften and your chest expand 360 degrees.
  • Exhale softly and count to seven.
  • Repeat this 5-10 times and notice how any tension in the body releases after each time.
Aboyt Yoga's Magnus Fridh demonstrating a wellness pose

Magnus Fridh says breath work and giving thanks can help maintain that summer wellness glow. Photo: Emma Tull

Gratitude practice

"We often get lost in the search for the things we don’t have and believe they are what will make us happy. Instead, take a moment each day to think about all the things you already have in your life and feel gratitude for that," says Fridh. "A daily routine could be writing down three things you are thankful for in a beautiful notebook. This is a very efficient and easy way to create safety and happiness within the life you’re already living in this present moment."

Have a major clear-out

We all know the allure of 'spring cleaning' right? But introduction of a new season, like autumn, is a great opportunity to give your space a refresh. It's an ideal time for leaving the old behind and welcoming in the new, say Mathilda Ritzén and Amanda Miklin, the duo behind Holy Crap, Sweden’s largest spirituality community and podcast. “We love to clean our homes after the summer. We recommend going through all those boxes and storage spots at home where we keep things that often unconsciously drain our energy. Get rid of things that no longer match your energy and end your cleaning session with smudging Palo Santo and dried sage to clear old energy and make room for the new."

Mathilda Ritzén and Amanda Miklin of Holy Crap

Prepare for the autumn with a clear out and a re-stocking of the pantry, say the Holy Crap presenters. Photo: Madeleine Wejlerud

And an autumn reset can be about more than just taking your unwanted summer outfits to the local clothing bank. "Clean your pantry and kitchen drawers and fill them with healthy superfood products (some of our favourites are MSM for lush hair and strong nails, collagen powder to boost your smoothies, and raw cacao for healthy treats) and vegetables that are in season," say Ritzén and Miklin.

You don't have to keep all that nutritional goodness to yourself, either, use your fresh space as a hub to nourish and refresh your social life too. "Cook something delicious and invite your friends that you haven’t had time to catch up with during the summer for a cosy evening at home. We love to incorporate spiritual practices at our dinner parties, such as tarot sessions, lighting incense and gifting our guests with a crystal in order to create an extra memorable and fun time together.”

Make time for yourself

Ensuring you have nourishing relationships is important for a healthy and full life, but so too is carving out some 'me time', says Norwegian designer and founder of an eponymous cosmetics brand Camilla Pihl. “Taking care of myself and my health is my number one priority this fall. There has been too much stress in my life the last year and I have not been too kind to myself and my body."

A trip overseas is an obvious way to rejuvenate, but not everyone is fortunate enough for that, so an alternative life-hack is: “For me, it's all about finding space for myself in between work and being a mother. My little girl wakes up early in the morning and I often start my day with her waking me up and then jumping out of bed. Therefore, I will set my alarm half an hour before she wakes so that I can get a little time for myself to wake up more smoothly, stretch the night away and maybe even have time for a cup of tea. That half hour will do wonders."

Get a workout routine that actually works

When it comes to implementing a new workout routine, Icelandic barre and yoga instructor and founder of Withsara Sara Snaedis Olafsdottir says that it is essential to make sure it is realistic and build it up step-by-step. “I recommend using the upcoming weeks wisely and to set up a good foundation for the following months. Write down what you want to accomplish and make it reasonable and in line with your day-to-day projects. It is also important to not make any drastic changes or to be very strict in order for the new routines to last. It is more beneficial and sustainable when we gradually and mindfully add healthy habits and allow them to become a part of your lifestyle in a gentler pace.”

A new season can be good for giving your exercise regime a refresh, but Olafsdottir warns against rushing to do too much. “I always recommend people go slowly into a workout routine. A moderate way to start is to pick 2-3 days a week and take 20-30 minutes each day. Get prepared for not always feeling motivated. If you are having a hard time stepping on the mat, only do 10 minutes that day or a very gentle stretch class – anything to get you moving. Once you have stuck to your workout days for some time you will start to feel the benefits of moving and that will be your drive to keep it up.”

Sara Snaedis Olafsdottir demonstrating a yoga pose.

Photo: Sara Snaedis Olafsdottir

Ultimately, it's important that you not only find a workout that you can stick to, but also one you enjoy. "Last but not least, make sure to book a slot in your week for those two days so nothing can be in your way to accomplish that. Consistency and planning are also essential.”

Set intentions (and reward yourself)

Anette and Susanne Bastviken, the Norwegian sisters behind Radical Broccoli, a community, podcast and webshop focused on holistic health and sustainability, say they go into any new season trying to ensure each day is a treat. “Start the day with something you look forward to! It could be a delicious drink, an inspiring book, a heart-centred meditation, or putting on your favourite music and having a dance."

This routine becomes especially pertinent as winter draws in. "As the days become darker, it's even more important to make it really inspiring to get out of bed."

Anette and Susanne Bastviken of Radical Broccoli

Radical Broccoli sisters Anette and Susanne Bastviken say it's OK to take it easy on yourself after a big summer. Photo: Radical Broccoli

One key way to achieve this, the Bastviken sisters say, is something that our region is thankfully perfect for. “Spend as much time in nature as possible. The more we connect with nature, the easier we make the season transitions for ourselves. Fall is probably the most beautiful season in Scandinavia, and it's the best time to breathe in the fresh air, by the ocean or in the mountains.”

They also share some useful and inspiring tips around goal setting. “Set new intentions and plan for the next 3-6 months. Having a strong intention and vision for the new season is really helpful in moving forward in the direction you desire," they say. "Set aside a Sunday for a date with yourself and your future visions. If you feel extra creative you can make a vision board or a Pinterest board to look back on to keep the vision alive."

Josefin Dahlberg doing yoga in the woods

Attainable goals are the way forward this autumn, advises Josefin Dahlberg. Photo: Josefin Dahlberg

Be patient with yourself

Everyone's plan is different and it's important to lower expectations in order to make your targets more attainable, says Josefin Dahlberg, Scandinavia’s queen of crystals and holistic health routines. After all, small changes can make a significant difference, to both body and mind. "We shouldn’t underestimate short sessions of meditations and workouts since we can notice a big shift in our bodies, both mentally and physically, after only a few minutes. Hence, I recommend making it easy for you and remember the feeling you’ll get afterwards – that will help you to continue with the routines.”