Lifestyle / Society

Hanna MW's renovation diary part 4: A finished kitchen and light via iconic lamps

By Hanna MW
Hanna MW

Photo: @HannaMW

Stylist Hanna MW has landed her dream home... Now it's time to renovate it. Follow her journey exclusively here on Vogue Scandinavia

In a monthly series for Vogue Scandinavia, stylist Hanna MW (who works with Elsa Hosk among others) takes us on a renovation journey. Check in to see her plans, interior finds, style ideas and so much more for the home she has recently purchased with boyfriend and Louis Abel, founder Jimmy Kamhieh Loutfi. See part one, two and three of her renovation diary here.


The big kitchen reveal

To start with, let me first show you a picture where you can see the final result of the kitchen, which I mentioned during the last chapter. We designed this together with A.S. Helsingö and - Tada. So beautiful.

Photo: Hanna MW

Filling the home with lamps

Let us then proceed with picking up where we ended the last chapter, by talking about the lamp “Floatation” by Ingo Maurer. It did arrive and it won't be currently hanging in our ceiling if it wasn't for Jimmy's engineer brain. To get it up was like solving an advanced mathematic formula, but the end result is so worth it.

Photo: Hanna MW

Photo: Hanna MW

Another lamp that's also been delivered during this time is the iconic floor lamp “Orbital”, designed by Ferruccio Laviani in 1992, which we bought via Artilleriet. However, once we received it we realised that it wasn't completely right for the dining room so instead I took it to our office – where it turned out to fit perfectly. Even though it wasn't perfect for our apartment, I still want to show it to you.

Photo: Hanna MW

When it came to our hallway lamp, we chose the “Matin” model designed by Inga Sempé from Hay in a white.

Photo: Hanna MW

The bedroom is coming along

The wardrobes for our bedroom are also from A.S Helsingö, and we went for the same doors as the ones we chose for the kitchen. When it came to the colour for the wardrobes, we decided on a “Ivory beige” which turned out so warm yet calm, the perfect match to the dove blue walls.

Photo: Hanna MW

Our headboard in the bedroom is currently in the progress of being made but the plan is for it to be a wavy, soft frame in a red and beige striped fabric. I can't wait to show you once it's finished. The USM Haller sideboard, also bought via Artilleriet, is now in place in the dining room. We went for the black option but are also thinking to switch it to the beige one instead, which we have ordered for the office, to achieve a warmer feeling in the room. We do, however, love it in the black colour so stay tuned...

Photo: Hanna MW

Photo: Hanna MW

The apartment is falling more and more in to place, and I am very much looking forward to, in the next chapter, show you a better overview of it. Until next time.

Photo: Hanna MW

Photo: Hanna MW

Read the whole series: