Lifestyle / Society

Garuda Slings: The unique and dynamic full-body workout to try

By Matilde Wergeland

Photo: Remedy

Founded by a renowned UK-based trainer, whose clientele include Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna, Garuda has finally found its way to Scandinavia

A form of workout that integrates movements rooted in yoga, dance and Pilates, Garuda is a dynamic hybrid of mind-body connection. Not only does the practice require focus and concentration, it also incorporates flexibility, coordination, strength and endurance, and has all the benefits of a cardiovascular workout. And now it's come to Scandinavia, courtesy of one of our favourite boutique gyms, Remedy in Stockholm.


Remedy has come up with a unique concept and take on the practice, offering “Garuda Slings” classes that are remarkably enjoyable, especially considering the challenging workout they provide. A belt with springs attached onto the wall almost makes us feel that we are flying while working our way through the movements. Devoted clients say it's more like play than exercise – a statement that certainly sounds promising for anyone looking for a new workout to try.

Garuda Slings

Photo: Remedy

The creator of The Garuda Method, James D’Silva, was born and raised in India but moved to England to become a professional dancer. He has adopted various forms of workouts and practices for both body and mind, such as yoga, Pilates, and Feldenkrais, and Garuda is basically the result of his diverse knowledge and experience within these trainings. Encompassing the principles of Pilates, the athleticism and grace of dance, as well as the asana practices and breathwork of yoga, Garuda creates a greater ease of movement, and the result is said to be both improved posture and a stronger and leaner body.

In addition to the method itself, D’Silva has also created the Garuda machine, uniquely constructed to allow for larger movements and repertoires. An integral component of the machine are the 'slings', a belt with two springs attached on both ends, which offers support and traction to the practitioner whilst challenging any instabilities.

Garuda Slings

Photo: Remedy

According to Carita Lesche and Amelie Parchami, the duo behind the studios Stockholm Pilates Center and Remedy, the 'slings' changed the way they train their customers. “The sling-belt is great to stabilise the body since it supports us during the workout and we can therefore work a lot with shifting the body’s point of balance and center," explains Lesche. "The range of movement becomes bigger since we are supported and connected to the slings and don’t fall when we lean out from the wall.”

“We have used the slings-belt extensively with our PT-clients, and really saw the potential of creating an separate class with it, making it even more accessible to our customers," adds Parchami. "Therefore, we decided to come up with our own concept at Remedy, in our infrared heated movement studio, where we work with the slings hooked onto the walls and then around our hips or waist. We use Garuda as a foundation but have then developed our own concept and series of exercises emphasising both strength and mobility, as well as flexibility, endurance, and coordination. We also try to create a flow of all the movements in order to improve our body awareness.”

Garuda Slings

Photo: Remedy

Moving the body in all directions is also a fundamental benefit, according to Lesche. “In many other types of workouts, we tend to only move our bodies in one or two simple planes, such as sideways, and forwards and backwards. However, working with the slings-belt makes it possible to move diagonally as well as shifting in between all planes of movements in a dynamic flow, constantly working with the whole body during the class.”

This dynamic flow and variety of possible movements actually make it easy on our joints and bones. “Since we move in a constant flow during the class and don’t stand still for a long time in each position, we never really put a lot of pressure on one single area of the body," explains Lesche. "The movements are never tough on the body, but rather soft; hence, it is the muscles and the fascia working, instead of the joints and putting pressure on them. This is the perfect type of training for anyone with sore wrists for example. It is also great for backs since we work a lot with traction, and you can almost feel a bit taller when you leave the class.”

The wide range of movements also make Garuda Slings suitable for different types of bodies, according to Parchami. “We get in contact and work with our fascia during a session, which is also why so many love Garuda and this class. The flexibility and mobility aspects are so well needed for us, especially if our body is a bit stiff. However, if we have a lot of flexibility and mobility in the body, the class will still be quite challenging because of the required strength and endurance. Hence, this class suits everyone.”

Garuda Slings

Photo: Remedy

Both Lesche and Parchami have decades of experience within professional training and claim Garuda and Garuda Slings are two of their very favourite ways to work out. “Moving the body in a safe, yet challenging way, that includes elements like jumps as well as dance-like flows, makes the class both exciting and effective,” says Parchami.

Finding a workout regimen that suits our own body and preferences is important for both consistency and results. Additionally, trying different ways of moving the body and changing up our routine can also be a great way to both see results and get that motivation going.