Take 5 First Aid Kit
Lifestyle / Society

From customised suits to whip-smart books – First Aid Kit on their 5 life essentials

By Lola Froebe

Some periods in life can come in like a whirlwind – but the Söderberg sisters have a few choice things that keep them grounded...

Welcome to our new bi-monthly series "Take five" featuring inspiring Scandinavian tastemakers on the five life-enhancing items, habits or encounters that help guarantee a balanced, joy-filled life.


“Wanderers this morning came by, where did they go, graceful in the morning light” – these are the lines that changed the lives of Klara and Johanna Söderberg forever. When the two sisters uploaded a cover of Fleet Foxes’ Tiger Mount Peasant Song in 2008 on YouTube, they became the internet’s most popular folk music darlings effectively overnight. Since then, from the age of 14 and 16, they were both touring and recording almost constantly alongside musicians such as Bright Eyes’ Conor Oberst and Jack White. More importantly, First Aid Kit have given 1950s bluegrass influences and 1960s American folk a contemporary, ethereal update. The sound of the Söderberg sisters blends Leonard Cohen with mountain chains of acoustic guitars, deep blue seas of strings, and fluffy clouds of wind instruments, topped off with divine melodies and voices.

As First Aid Kit release their song Angel, and prep themselves for another onslaught of busy touring times ahead, Vogue Scandinavia quizzes them on the five essential things that uplift their everyday, their very own "first aid kit".


CBD-infused skincare

Take five First Aid Kit

We’re not sure whether we believe in skincare or not, it might all be about genes in the end, but we’ve come to love the ritual of it. Our favourite product is The Dream Mask from Swedish CBD-brand Mantle. It smells great and makes your skin all glowy and soft.


“You don’t have to lie in the bed you’ve made”

Take five First Aid Kit

A therapist said: 'You don’t have to lie in the bed you’ve made' to me (Klara) years ago and it shook me to my core. I don’t?! It was hard to believe, but it’s true. Just because you used to believe in something once, doesn’t mean you have to stick with it. And that time, when the therapist said it, I did get up and leave. Thank god.


Little Weirds by Jenny Slate

Take five First Aid Kit

This lovely book: Little Weirds written by actress and comedian Jenny Slate, who is a big inspiration to us and always speaks so candidly and bravely in interviews. This book is no exception. It’s tender, heartbreaking and yes, it is beautifully weird.


Good friends

Take five First Aid Kit

It sounds simple, but for most of our adult life, we’ve been touring musicians, so keeping up our friendships has been a little hard. When we stopped touring, we got to finally put the time and energy into that part of our lives. And how wonderful it is! Having people who have your back and vice-versa, makes you feel invincible.


Custom-made suits

Take five First Aid Kit

For our upcoming record, we’ve had the pleasure of working with our friend, the genius designer Lisa Sander. Lisa used to work for Rodebjer and has made some of our favourite patterns. She helped us create these fantastic suits that fit the theme of the record. They’re inspired by the classic country Nudie suit, with a hint of ABBA – we love them and feel so cool wearing them on stage.