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Closet care: 5 expert tips on how to keep your white laundry white

By Josefin Forsberg

Photo: Katrine Gøth & Sissel Abel

These are the must-know laundry lessons for eliminating wine spots and battling fat stains

It is an age-old knowledge that crispy whites are usually kept for those who do not spill. I am not one of those people. I have always longed to lounge around in wrinkle-free linen sets and all-white ensembles, but am yet to master all of the closet care expertise that comes with this perfectly pressed look. Alas, red wine after works and turmeric-based lunches put a stop to any past efforts.


But that's before I came into contact with Marléne Eriksson, a true cleaning connoisseur with a certified library of household tips and tricks (enough for two books on the subject, and regular appearances as a cleaning expert on Swedish television). "Learning how to wash your clothes correctly has several benefits," she says. "In addition to making your favourite garments last longer, careful handling of textiles contributes to a reduced environmental impact." With her handy tips and tricks anyone – even I – can combat any laundry emergency.

Below, find Eriksson's best easy-breezy tips on how to battle stains and keep your white laundry looking brand new:


Learn your white laundry basics

First and foremost, use the right laundry detergent for what you're trying to achieve. "Liquid laundry detergent does not contain bleach, only the powder version does," says Eriksson. "So if there are really stubborn stains to be fought, you should use the powder version. Also keep in mind that white laundry detergent can bleach prints on the clothes."

"Or," she adds. "You can use my weapon of choice – bicarbonate." With the help of bicarbonate, you can easily refresh your white laundry and get it beautifully crisp again while using less chemicals. "If you use ordinary detergent with bleach in it to make the laundry white, thanks to the bicarbonate, you can reduce the dose by half. Add a half cup of bicarbonate with your usual detergent and suddenly your laundry will be white as snow again."

Finally, she adds, the sun is your best friend when keeping your white laundry white. "The sun has a bleaching effect and can help keep your laundry white when dried outside, and may even help with stubborn stains."

Photo: Katrine Gøth & Sissel Abel


How do you remove red wine from white clothes?

"I use milk for red wine." Yes, you read that right. Eriksson's best tip for combating red wine stains is to dip it in dairy. "To do this you will need paper towels, fatty milk (3 per cent is preferred), and a saucer," she explains.

"Wine stains spread easily and textiles usually have several layers, so protect the untouched layers by placing a paper towel under the affected fabric." Having done this, Eriksson urges you to suck up as much of the wine as possible as quickly as you can by holding some paper towels against the cloth. "And whatever you do, don't rub!" The cleaning process itself is rather simple: boil the milk in a saucepan. When the milk has cooled slightly, dip the stain into the milk and let it sit for a few minutes. Finally, rinse the fabric with lukewarm water and wash according to the wash tag.


How do you best remove fat stains from white laundry?

While a seemingly simple to tackle, a stubborn fat stain is a common conundrum. "Let me tell you something I found to be revolutionary when I first head it," Eriksson says. "When it comes to fat stains there's one cardinal rule: fat dissolves fat." If it is a grease stain that you have to fight, Eriksson explains that you should use an alkaline cleaning agent with a pH value of 7 and above. Science has never been my forte, so the cleaning expert helpfully adds that this type of cleaning agent can easily be found at home. "Dish detergent, such as fairy liquid," for example.


How do you best tackle yellow stains from sweat and sunscreen?

One of the worst stains to battle when it comes to white clothing are those stubborn yellow stains from sweat and sunscreen. But Eriksson has an easy solution, her trusty home-remedy of bicarbonate, vinegar and lemon. "You'll need two to three tablespoons of bicarbonate, ½ dl vinegar (12%), and the juice from one lemon," Eriksson explains. Mix everything into a paste and apply the paste to the stain. Then leave it on the spot for at least 30 minutes. "If it's sunny outside, hang the garment outside and let the sun's rays work wonders." Finally, wash according to the garment's laundry instructions using the previously mentioned powder detergent.


Finally, always keep these 5 things in your laundry room

When stocking up her laundry room, Eriksson always keeps some handy lotions and potions around. "In order to keep my white laundry looking fresh, there is always purpose made detergent, bicarbonate and vinegar (24%) or alcohol (12%) in my laundry room," she says. "And clothespins, of course"

Photography and Creative direction by Katrine Gøth & Sissel Abel
Styling by Josephine Teresa Mikkelsen,
Makeup by Sigurveig Dormundsdóttir & Line Hjæresen,
Model Mimi Aminata