
Watch a 12-year old fashion prodigy sketch a dress for Vogue Scandinavia

By Vogue Scandinavia's Video Team

Meet a fashion prodigy in the making. Here, Johannes Lönnborg Gaunt draws a dress for Vogue Scandinavia while sharing how his designs take shape on paper

Johannes Lönnborg Gaunt is a tiny fashion encyclopaedia. He reels off fashion history like an industry veteran, and draws designs that could be plucked straight from a runway designer’s drawing board.


First scouted by editor in chief Martina Bonnier at a Vogue Scandinavia event, Lönnborg Gaunt stood out from the crowd with his modelesque street style. But his bold look only scratches the surface of his talent.

Lönnborg Gaunt was invited to Vogue Scandinavia’s office to sketch a special look just for us. An intuitive designer, Lönnborg Gaunt lets his creations form themselves - giving free rein to his fantasy in the moment.

Watch his latest design crystallise as he takes us through his creative process.